Advantage Arrest Consent Form for Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) Treatment


Credit : Dr. Jeanette MacLean

Understanding Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) Treatment: What Patients Need to Know

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a revolutionary dental treatment that is transforming how we approach tooth decay and cavities. If you’re considering SDF treatment or have been recommended it by your dentist, here’s everything you need to know about its mechanism, benefits, and clinical applications.

Purpose and Effect

Purpose: SDF is used to treat cavities by hardening and stopping decay. It is a liquid applied to the tooth surface.

Effect: Turns the cavity black while the healthy tooth remains white.

Mechanism of Action

When SDF is applied to a decayed tooth surface, several actions take place to combat decay and strengthen the tooth:

  1. Formation of a Protective Layer: SDF creates a layer of silver protein conjugate and silver minerals that bolster the tooth’s resistance to acid and enzymatic attacks. This layer significantly increases the mineral density and hardness of the treated area.
  2. Antimicrobial Action: Silver in SDF acts as a potent antimicrobial agent, effectively killing bacteria that cause cavities.
  3. Remineralization: The fluoride component helps in the remineralization process, restoring lost minerals to the tooth and strengthening it.
  4. Enzyme Inhibition: SDF inhibits the proteins that break down dentin, further protecting the tooth structure.
  5. Stabilization: Ammonia in SDF stabilizes the solution, keeping the silver and fluoride ions active and effective.

It’s important to note that SDF will permanently discolor any decayed or demineralized areas, as well as any soft tissues it contacts, but it does not affect healthy tooth structure.

Benefits of SDF

SDF offers a host of benefits that make it a preferred choice for many dental practitioners and patients:

  • Antimicrobial: Effectively kills bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Increases Tooth Hardness: Boosts mineral density and resistance to acids.
  • Immediate Treatment: Enables same-day treatment without restrictions on post-treatment activities.
  • Non-aerosol Generating: Safer in terms of infection control.
  • Odorless: Pleasant for patient comfort.
  • Effective: Outperforms other treatments in eliminating cariogenic bacteria.
  • Quick and User-friendly: Application takes less than 5 minutes and requires no air, anesthesia, instruments, or water.

How Deep Does SDF Penetrate?

SDF is effective in penetrating and treating different layers of the tooth:

  • Enamel: 25-30 microns
  • Dentin: 200-300 microns
  • Deep Lesions: Up to 2 mm

SDF Quick Facts

  • Pain-free: No needles or drilling required.
  • Treatment Frequency: At least 2 treatments 2-4 weeks apart are recommended for best results.
    • 74% of cavities are stopped by one application.
    • 96% are stopped by a second application.
  • Safety: Safe for use in children.
    • A 2020 study on children ages 12 months to 17 years confirmed its safety, with no concerns for use on children under age 3.
  • History: Used for over 50 years with no reported adverse effects.
  • Additional Treatments: Depending on the extent of decay, other treatments like fluoride varnish or fillings may be necessary.
  • Risks: There is a small risk the procedure may not stop the decay.

Clinical Uses

SDF is versatile and can be used in various clinical situations:

  • Alternative to Restorative Treatment: Ideal for patients who can’t undergo traditional restorative procedures.
  • Around Lesion Margins: Prevents secondary decay.
  • Avoiding General Anesthesia or Sedation: Useful for patients who can’t tolerate these methods.
  • Managing Difficult Cases: Perfect for carious lesions that can’t be treated in one visit or in patients with limited access to dental care.
  • High-risk Caries: Effective for patients prone to frequent cavities.

Ideal Clinical Situations

SDF is particularly beneficial in the following scenarios:

  • Behavioral or Medical Management Patients: Suitable for patients with special needs.
  • Untreatable Lesions in One Visit: Provides interim protection until comprehensive treatment can be completed.
  • Difficult-to-treat Lesions: Ideal for hard-to-reach areas.
  • Non-aerosol Generating: Preferred in scenarios where aerosol production must be minimized.
  • Pediatrics: Safe and effective for children.
  • Root Caries: Excellent for treating decay on tooth roots.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Helps alleviate sensitivity issues.


Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a groundbreaking treatment that offers an effective, quick, and affordable solution for managing tooth decay. Its ease of application, cost-efficiency, and superior antibacterial properties make it an excellent choice for many patients. If you have any questions or think SDF might be right for you, consult with your dentist to explore this innovative treatment option.


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