Welcome to
McLaughlin Village Dental


Preventive Services

At McLaughlin Village Dental, we believe in providing comprehensive dental care that goes beyond just treating teeth. Our team is dedicated to promoting overall health and wellness through a range of specialized services. Here's a closer look at what we offer:

Oral Cancer Screening

Early detection is key to successfully treating oral cancer. That's why we perform thorough oral cancer screenings as part of your regular dental check-ups. Our experienced dentists carefully examine your mouth, tongue, throat, and surrounding tissues for any signs of abnormalities or suspicious lesions. By conducting regular screenings, we can detect oral cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable, and provide timely intervention and treatment if necessary. Your oral health and well-being are our top priorities, and our commitment to early detection helps ensure that you receive the care you need to maintain a healthy smile for years to come.

New Patient Exam

Nutritional and Smoking Cessation Counselling

Your oral health is closely linked to your overall well-being. Our team provides personalized nutritional guidance and smoking cessation counselling to help you make healthy lifestyle choices that support optimal oral health. Whether you're looking to improve your diet or kick the habit, we're here to provide the support and resources you need to succeed. By addressing factors such as diet and tobacco use, we can help reduce your risk of oral health problems and improve the long-term health of your smile.

Digital X-rays

Nightguard and Sportsguard

Do you suffer from bruxism or teeth grinding? Our custom-fitted nightguards provide a comfortable and effective solution for protecting your teeth while you sleep. By wearing a nightguard, you can prevent excessive wear and damage to your teeth and alleviate symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches, and tooth sensitivity. Our skilled team will custom-design a nightguard to fit your mouth perfectly, ensuring maximum comfort and protection while you rest. With our nightguards, you can enjoy a peaceful night's sleep knowing that your teeth are safe from the harmful effects of bruxism.

Root Canal Treatment

Gum Treatment

Gum treatment encompasses a range of interventions aimed at addressing various gum-related issues, including common conditions like gingivitis and more severe cases such as periodontitis. These treatments typically involve procedures such as scaling and root planing, which effectively remove plaque, tartar, and bacterial buildup from the gumline and tooth surfaces. In cases where gum disease has progressed, surgical interventions may be necessary to repair damaged gum tissue or reshape the gums to reduce pocket depths and improve overall oral hygiene.

Additionally, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed to help control bacterial infection and reduce inflammation in the gums. Advanced techniques such as laser therapy can also be employed to target diseased gum tissue, disinfect periodontal pockets, and promote gum tissue regeneration.

However, the success of gum treatment often hinges on regular maintenance and follow-up care. Patients are typically advised to adhere to a diligent oral hygiene routine and attend periodic check-ups and cleanings to monitor gum health and prevent disease recurrence. By addressing gum issues promptly and maintaining good oral hygiene habits, individuals can help preserve their gum health and overall well-being.

Root Canal Treatment

Scaling and Polishing

Scaling and polishing are essential dental procedures aimed at maintaining optimal oral health and hygiene.

Scaling involves the removal of plaque, tartar (hardened plaque), and bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth, especially along the gum line and in areas that are difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing. This procedure is typically performed using specialized dental tools, such as ultrasonic scalers or hand scalers, to gently scrape away the buildup.

Polishing follows scaling and involves smoothing the surfaces of the teeth to remove stains, plaque, and any residual tartar. This is done using a rotating rubber cup or a handpiece with a polishing paste. Polishing helps to restore the natural shine of the teeth and makes them feel smooth and clean.

Scaling and polishing are crucial for preventing gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental issues. They are typically performed as part of a regular dental check-up and cleaning appointment, usually recommended every six months for most individuals. However, the frequency may vary depending on individual oral health needs as determined by the dentist. These procedures contribute to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile.

Root Canal Treatment


Fluoride is a powerful tool in the fight against tooth decay. Our fluoride treatments provide an extra boost of protection for your child's teeth by strengthening enamel and making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and plaque. During a fluoride application, we carefully apply a fluoride solution to your child's teeth, ensuring thorough coverage and optimal effectiveness. This quick and painless treatment is an integral part of our comprehensive approach to pediatric dental care, helping to keep your child's smile strong and healthy.



Desensitization refers to a process used in various fields, including dentistry, to reduce sensitivity or reactivity to specific stimuli. In dentistry, it often involves alleviating tooth sensitivity, which can arise due to factors like exposed dentin, enamel erosion, or gum recession. Techniques may include applying desensitizing agents like fluoride varnishes or desensitizing toothpaste, performing dental procedures to cover exposed dentin or repair damaged tooth structures, advising changes in oral hygiene routine, and recommending lifestyle modifications to prevent further sensitivity. Overall, desensitization aims to improve patient comfort during dental procedures and daily activities by minimizing tooth sensitivity.




Unit 22, 499 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton, ON L6Y 4E6


+1 905 457 5317

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